Legacy tool

Futureproof valuable inventory data. Continued seamless operation.

Making things work

Wertvolle Bestandsdaten zukunftsfähig aufbereiten. Nahtlos weiterarbeiten.

Making things work

Wertvolle Bestandsdaten zukunftsfähig aufbereiten. Nahtlos weiterarbeiten.

Making things work

Do you have inventory data?

Inventory data is valuable. We can help you process them for future use through our interfaces.

Before the introduction of an interface, product data such as item masters and bills of materials often had to be created and updated manually. Even if an export and import interface is already in use, deviations can occur over time. We often notice that inventory data has not been properly synchronized, so we cannot rely that they are up-to-date or consistent.


Synchronizing inventory data properly

We use our JAVA tool for the data upload to ensure that old data is synchronized between Windchill and ERP and the newly introduced interface can process inventory data properly. We limit ourselves to the metadata. The data migration of CAD data will be handled by your PTC partner.

Marktführung sichern - Kosteneinsparungen durch Windchill-ERP-Schnittstellen

Durch Windchill-ERP-Schnitt­stellen von Inno­face müssen Sie Stück­listen und Artikel­stamm­daten nicht mehr manuell über­tragen. Auch Freigabe- und Ände­rungs­vor­gänge werden direkt mit dem ERP-System gekoppelt.


Cost savings through Windchill ERP interfaces

With Windchill ERP interfaces from Innoface, you no longer have to transfer parts lists and article master data manually. Release and change processes are also linked directly to the ERP system.

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